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Clear Braces

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Clear Braces in Solihull

Clear braces are an effective way of straightening your teeth in a relatively faster way than traditional braces. Here at the Dental Practice Manor Square in Solihull, we use two different types of clear braces to guide your teeth into a better position and straighten your smile.


The Clear Braces We Use

We use two different types of clear braces: Cfast Smile Tru, and Six Month Smiles. Both of these sets of clear braces use tooth-coloured orthodontic brackets and wires, so they are camouflaged against your teeth when you smile and talk. They are fixed to the fronts of your teeth to gently guide them into a straighter position to improve your cosmetic smile. The average treatment time for these clear braces is between 5-6 months, which is comparatively faster than traditional orthodontic braces.

The Benefits of Clear Braces

Clear braces are popular with adults because they are discreet and relatively faster acting and more comfortable than traditional braces. Because clear braces typically focus on the cosmetic appearance of your teeth and not your bite, their treatment time is relatively shorter than traditional braces too.


Tips on Caring for Your Clear Braces

Brush your teeth thoroughly after any snack or meal when you are wearing braces, as food may get stuck to or between the brackets and wires. Eating hard foods (like whole apples, hard bread, or ice) or sticky foods (like toffee or gum) may dislodge the brackets or bands and damage the wires, which can be painful and require an appointment with your dentist to rectify.


Book your consultation today to discover your suitability for clear braces and transform your cosmetic smile. Call the Dental Practice Manor Square in Solihull on 0121 709 3821 or book online.

Before and After

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